Meal Guidance
Welcome to Pro Fitness Personal Trainer
“Lifting women to build a strong foundation”
I am delighted to have you join my program and can't wait for you to start your personal journey of health. Part of your success in getting a fit body, getting strong, and in shape is your diet, 60% of your success will be achieved by what you eat, and how you eat. I created a meal guidance program for my clients to teach you that just working out alone is not enough to achieve your ultimate body goal and image.
I learned the hard way, I am IFBB Pro Bikini Competitor, I had 12 to 14 weeks to prepare for a show, to get in the best shape of my life so that I can compete with hundreds of women who were also in tip top shape, the competition was fierce, and I knew what I was up against. So, I hired a coach, he gave me a diet and workout regimen, and I followed that diet to a T, no mistakes, no cheat days, it was strictly diet and working out, 7 days a week. Time was against me, and there was no room for failure. I put in hours of cardio, I put together boring and bland meals based on what my coach told me to eat, when I say boring, I remember one show prep, I was eating nothing but fish and veggies, and I was able to eat some egg-whites in the morning, and have two protein shakes. My protein was high, my calories were low, the food was very repetitive, but it was what I had to do to compete on stage.
The problem with this is that by doing these diets, show preps, it created these extreme habits in me. I developed a bad relationship with food and poor body image. I felt I did not look good unless I was in contest shape. I began to think if I can get my body to this level, then I should be able to always look like this, no excuses. It created a phobia in my social life, I didn't like to go out to eat, or to parties, it was really sad, their were times I could not enjoy a hamburger, or some pizza occasionally without feeling guilty. If it wasn't a chicken breast and veggies, or some type of concoction that I would make, then I struggled to eat other foods. I had to evolve, I had to find new ways, because I knew the old strategy of extreme dieting no longer served my purpose. My husband needed someone who wasn't always obsessing over the type of food I wanted to eat, he needed me to enjoy my life with him and together, so we could go out for a nice dinners and not be stressed out. Don't get me wrong, I still battle, but I figured out a new strategy, and how I can eat a variety of foods, and create healthy meals that are not boring, and that I enjoy, so it doesn't feel as if I am dieting, I like what I eat, I eat pretty much the same 80% of the time, and I am still able the 20% to enjoy pizza, dessert, a couple of glasses of wine without the guilt. If I have a bad day, I just start back up the next day, and just move forward.
After I made the decision to not compete, my doctor ran my blood work, and my protein levels came back super high, I had blood in my urine, my kidneys were so stressed. I gained a lot of weight just trying to eat normal again. I also went into peri -menopause really early, and almost menopause as I didn't have a period for 8 months. So I started researching and researching the best approach to loose weight, and to do it without being extreme. I wanted to make this a lifestyle, and what I was doing with competitions wasn't going to work anymore. My new way of eating had to make sense, and be more science based. And I realize that I had to get back to the basics, and start knowing my body, tracking my food, and finding out how many calories my body needed to maintain my weight, or loose weight. I hope with the struggles that I have faced, I can help others who are frustrated as well.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result and if you are feeling stuck right now because you're in a new season of life... remind yourself that in order to change you MUST change, the strategy, the plan, the mindset, all of it!!
Thank you for believing in me to guide you on your fitness journey!!
Jennifer Pimentel
Owner of Pro Fitness Personal Trainer
Meal Guidance
You may notice you are having trouble losing the weight you want without adjusting your eating habits. This might help get you to your goals.
Standard Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan to get you started
Your Macros and Calories are not calculated
Must be a client of mine to receive this plan
Meal Guidance - The whole Package
I set up your macros, and your calorie intake
I create two meal plans according to your macro
settings -
Weekly and monthly Check - Ins
No restrictive meal plans
Changes to meal plans or adding new plans is an additional $150.00
Changes to calories or macros is a fee of $50.00